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Mar 29, 2024
Front view of a black, 2024 Kia Forte | Kia dealer in Altoona, PA | Altoona Courtesy Kia

You count on your headlights for more than just lighting up the night. They help keep you safe, letting other drivers see you, in the dark or stormy weather. Not sure when it’s time to get new headlights from your Kia dealer? Let’s check out the signs.

Your Headlights Are Dimming

One of the most common signs of headlight trouble can also be one of the hardest to spot. Dimming lights reduce your visibility on the road and make it harder for others to see you, but it often creeps up on you gradually. You might not notice that your lights are dimming until they’ve gotten very weak, so once you do, get them replaced right away.

Your Headlights Give Uneven Light

Notice one headlight shining brighter than the other? Both headlights need to provide equal illumination because uneven lighting can throw off your depth perception and reduce visibility. Plus, one headlight getting dimmer is often a sign that it’s nearing the end of its life. It’s better to get your bulbs replaced before they burn out completely.

Your Headlights Are Flickering

Headlights that flicker on and off on their own are a serious hazard. Flickering can be a sign of anything from a loose connection to a dying bulb, but if your lights are flickering there’s a good chance they’re preparing to go out completely. Bringing them in for a checkup before you can be stranded in the dark is the smart play.

You Have To Keep Replacing Them

Like any lightbulb, it’s normal for headlight bulbs to burn out every so often. If you find yourself replacing them over and over, more frequently than you think you should, there’s a chance you have a deeper electrical problem in your car that is causing them to fail prematurely.

Your Headlights Are Yellow or Cloudy

Over time, the lenses that cover your headlights can become yellowed or cloudy, typically due to exposure to strong ultraviolet rays. This haze diffuses the light, reducing its effectiveness and making your drive less safe.

There’s Water in Your Headlights

Moisture or condensation inside your headlight assembly is never a good sign. If you see water inside your lights, there’s a good chance the seal is broken. Moisture inside your headlights can lead to electrical issues, so don’t delay having it checked out by a pro.

Your Headlights Are Cracked or Damaged

This one’s obvious. If you take a look at your headlights and see that they are cracked, broken, or visibly damaged, they need to be replaced. Any physical damage to your headlights offers entry to moisture and dirt, which can only make things worse in the headlight department.

Headlights are your first line of defense for driving safely through the night, rain, or snow. If you’ve noticed signs of trouble, call Altoona Courtesy Kia in Altoona, PA, and let us take a look at your headlights.